
NAUI Advanced Scuba Diver Course

NAUI Advanced Scuba Diver Course

At Deep Exposure we're happy to offer the NAUI Advanced Scuba Diver course in cozy Cozumel. We embrace NAUI's motto; "Dive Safety through Education." The Advanced Scuba Diver class is an excellent opportunity for divers to increase their knowledge and abilities, while gaining experience under the supervision of a NAUI professional. Read on to learn more about this excellent program.


This course is a continuing education certification course for certified divers. It is an enjoyable program of continued supervised experience designed to introduce divers to a variety of diving activities and to be taught entirely in an open water setting. Upon successful completion of this course, graduates are considered competent to engage in open water diving activities without supervision, provided the diving activities and the areas dived approximate those of training. This course is appropriate for divers who:
  • Desire additional training.
  • Have moved from one diving area to another and desire local orientation.
  • Do not have, but wish to obtain, NAUI certification.
  • Desire orientation to a variety of diving sites and conditions.


Age. Minimum is 15 years. (Junior certification for ages 12 – 14 years is allowed. (See “Policies Applying to All Courses”: Age, Junior Certification.”)
Dive Certification. Certification as a scuba diver by a NAUI recognized agency is required. The instructor is to carefully screen and evaluate all prospective students to assure that they understand diving safety and possess the necessary skills to participate. Curriculum and skills from other NAUI courses shall be used to evaluate and improve the diver’s knowledge and proficiency if necessary.
Equipment. Students shall furnish and be responsible for the care and maintenance of their own diving equipment. The instructor shall initially assist the student in checking all student gear to insure it is adequate and in proper working order.


  • Ratios. Standard ratios apply (for DE the ratio is no more than 4 to 1). If dives are made to depths greater than 80 feet (24 m), the maximum number of students that shall accompany one instructor is four. If one or more active-status assistants are used, this maximum may be increased to eight.
  • Hours. Academic - six hours estimated. This includes an enrollment/orientation session, on-site discussions as necessary to prepare for a dive’s activity and a final session that includes an examination based on the academic subject matter presented during the course. The briefings for dives in this course are necessarily longer than those for Scuba Diver or Master Scuba Diver because of the “academic” discussions needed to support activities like search and recovery, light salvage, hunting and collecting, etc.
  • Open Water Dives. A minimum of six open water dives is required. A maximum of three dives per day shall be applied toward course requirements. At least two dives are to be deeper than 20 feet (6 m).
  • Deep Dives. No training dives are to be conducted in excess of 130 feet (40 m). No dives are to require actual stage decompression. However, simulated stage decompression may be added to the ascent of a no-required stop decompression dive. Any simulated decompression time spent deeper than 25 feet (7.6 m) must be included in the actual dive time. The instructor is to accompany students during the first training dive in excess of 60 feet (18 m).


  • Perform selected basic scuba skills.
  • Perform selected rescue or assist skills.
  • Use dive tables to plan all dives.
  • Record dives in log books.
  • Navigate underwater.
  • Use appropriate equipment to perform selected tasks.


The required dive topic areas listed represents three separate dives of the minimum six required. The remaining dives can be combined or split as needed to fit the situation and meet student needs provided at least six separate dives are made:
Required Dives
  • Navigation
  • Night or low visibility diving
  • Deep diving (130 feet/40 meters maximum depth)
Elective Dives
  • Search and recovery
  • Boat diving
  • Light salvage (not available)
  • Hunting and collecting
  • Exploration and underwater mapping
  • Non-penetration wreck diving
  • Observation and data collection
  • Diving in surf or currents
  • Altitude diving (not available)
  • Salt water diving (in areas where most diving is in fresh water)
  • Fresh water diving (in areas where most diving is in salt water)
  • Shore diving
  • Diving for photos or video
  • Using dive computers


Sites. Whenever possible a variety of sites shall be dived. Students are to prepare and present dive plans for each location and dive purpose. If a limited number of sites are available, the instructor can aid learning by creating varied meaningful dive tasks. Log book entries shall reflect the specific activities of the dives. Briefings. Instructor led dive briefings and debriefings done in conjunction with the open water dives are required. The student divers shall fully participate in the dive planning process. Content. Subjects and skills of importance for emphasis during briefings and dives include:
  • Fitness, stress, individual limitations, fatigue, expo-sure and diving adaptations.
  • Rough water, limited visibility, and dive/abort decision making.
  • Weight use, suit compression compensation, breathing patterns as related to buoyancy control, and descent and ascent control.
  • Dive planning, equipment preparation and care, and buddy diving. Each diver is to assume a leadership role on at least one dive.
  • Communications, instrument use, and navigation.
  • Environmental aspects and diving skills that minimally impact the environment.
  • Rescues and assists (self and buddy), emergency systems and actions are to be reviewed and practiced.


Academics presented during the course orientation, dive briefings and debriefings are to be used to enhance the safety, knowledge and appreciation of the dives made.